Student Housing for Higher Education – Scope and Opportunities in IndiaBy: Eduvisors Research Team

By 2020, the Indian government wants 30% of all 18 to 23 year old's to be enrolled in higher education courses. This would increase the country’s student population to 40 million, a figure which is nearly double the current number of students studying in the United States. The student housing market in India is in its infancy, despite the country boasting one of the largest populations of undergraduate students in the world. This monograph provides a broad overview of the student housing market in India, its key challenges and opportunities available to Student Housing Service Providers to establish a stronghold in the market. The impact of COVID-19 and the business implications for operators have also been highlighted to provide a holistic view of the industry as it stands. Investment drivers have also been brought to light through a comparison with commercial yield of retail and office spaces.
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