School Management Services

Eduvisors’ School Management Services (SMS) covers end-to-end management and operations of the school. Our typical clients are large corporates with schools as a part of their employee townships and CSR initiatives.

In a typical SMS engagement of 10-15 yrs, Eduvisors is responsible for daily operations of the schools covering, but not limited to the following.

  1. Approvals and Regulatory Compliances
    • Regulatory Compliance
    • Approvals and Renewals
    • Liaisoning
  2. Governance
    • Governing Body
    • Board of Advisors
  3. Infrastructure and Project Management
    • Existing Infrastructure
    • Expansion Infrastructure
    • Transport & Logistics
  4. Human Resource Management
    • Organization Design
    • Staff Planning and Recruitment
    • Staff Assessment and Appraisal
    • Staff Attendance
    • Staff Dismissal and Exit Interview
    • Staff Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
  5. Curriculum
    • Design, Development and Planning of:
      • Academic Curriculum
      • Physical Education Curriculum
      • Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Curriculum
    • Student Assessment
    • ICT Implementation
    • CCE Implementation, Review and Audit
  6. Student Management
    • Admission Process
    • Test Preparation
    • Student Counseling
  1. Technology
    • In Learning
    • In Administration
  2. Finance and Accounts
    • Fee Collection
    • Budgeting
    • Material Procurement
    • Salary Management
    • Accounts Payable
    • Expense Authorization and Reimbursement
    • Cash Management Procedures
  3. School Operations
    • Parent Engagement
    • Canteen Management
    • Infirmary Management
    • Website Management
    • Security Management
    • Library Management
    • Service Maintenance
    • Inventory Management
    • Books and Uniform Purchase
  4. Marketing and Communications
  5. Reviews and Internal Audits
    • Policies and Procedures
    • Internal Audits and Audit Planning
    • Infrastructure Review and Audits

At Eduvisors we confront each challenge sans any preconceived notion; our solutions are based on facts rather than opinions.

All schools are expected to be in compliance with multiple guidelines. Often the regulators are multiple and there is a great deal of overlap in the work done by the regulators. Regulatory compliance requires the cooperation of multiple stakeholders within the school system.

1.1 Regulatory Compliances

  • Eduvisors is responsible for ensuring that the school follows all the rules and regulations laid down by the various bodies such as:
    • Central Board of Secondary Education, or whichever Board the school is affiliated to.
    • State Department of School Education
    • Local Municipal Bodies
  • Eduvisors works on the following areas:
  • Appoint Regulatory Compliance manager from amongst academic staff
  • Prepare Regulatory Compliance Checklist
  • Review regulatory lapses annually

1.2 Approvals and Renewals

  • Eduvisors is responsible for the renewal of the following certificates and approvals, as and when required from their respective authorities:
    • Affiliation certificate (CBSE or respective Board)
    • Hygiene certificate
    • Fire safety certificate
    • Sanitation certificate
    • Water supply certificate

1.3 Liaisoning

  • In terms of specific activities, Eduvisors team handles the following
    • Liaisoning with government officials as and when required
    • Obtaining, filling and submission of all necessary forms/ applications

2.1 Management and Appointment

  • Eduvisors is responsible for efficient functioning of the Governing Body of the Trust/Society and appointment and functioning of School Managing Committee.
  • In case some members exit, suitably qualified and committed new members are scouted by Eduvisors. These members typically are eminent academicians, educationists, members with strong presence in the local community, successful education entrepreneurs etc.

2.2 Appointment of Nominees for Governing Body

  • The Governing Body has a minimum of 7 persons out of which at least 2 are nominated by Eduvisors. The Governing Body, at any time during the term of engagement between the Trust/Society and Eduvisors, shall have at least 2 persons nominated by Eduvisors.

While the school currently may have the infrastructure to meet the needs of the enrolled students, Eduvisors goal is to further increase the student strength of the school in the coming years.

3.1 School and Campus related Infrastructure

Eduvisors is responsible for the development of school infrastructure at the following two levels:

    1. Establishment of new academic, sports, IT and other infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the school as the student enrolment increases
    2. Upgradation and renovation of existent infrastructure as and when required (painting, white washing, electrical fixtures, plumbing etc). The various aspects of infrastructure maintenance and upgradation include the following:
  • Academic infrastructure: Classrooms, staff rooms, laboratories
  • Sports infrastructure: Outdoor and indoor sports facilities
  • IT infrastructure: Computer labs, Smart classrooms etc
  • Infrastructure for extra-curricular activities: Activity rooms, auditorium
  • Other infrastructure: Auditorium, toilets, residential facilities for students and teachers.

3.2 Infrastructure Expansion & Maintenance

  • In case of infrastructure expansion or maintenance activities being required, Eduvisors performs the following activities:
  • Preparation of tender documents
  • Evaluation and selection of contractors/ architects
  • Regular audit during the course of the construction/ maintenance activity to ensure that timelines are being met
  • Payment

It should be noted any capital expenditures incurred for infrastructure is borne by the School Sponsor or Trust/Society. Eduvisors provide only project management related services as mentioned above.

3.3 Transport & Logistics

  • Eduvisors conducts an evaluation of the adequacy and the quality of the school transportation program through surprise checks, audit and parent feedback.
  • Following activities are conducted by Eduvisors regarding transportation and logistics:
  • Budget allocation for school buses (and other transport as applicable),
  • Re-evaluation of vendor for providing of transport facilities
  • Annual review of transport bus routes and updates, as and when necessary
  • Monthly review of vehicles to ensure safety of children

Staff management is one of the crucial aspects of running any educational institute, especially a K12 school. As a part of the change in the management of the School, it is likely that there will be a churn in the teaching and/or non-teaching staff. It is expected that Eduvisors receives full autonomy during recruitment and dismissal of staff with full support from the Project Sponsors or Trust/Society regarding these decisions.

4.1 Staff Planning and Recruitment


  • Eduvisors’ staff planning exercise includes the following components:
  • Involve representatives from the Governing Body, senior teachers and teachers in manpower requirement assessment
  • Assessment of manpower and skills for the open positions
  • Consideration of attrition, promotion rate, projected student enrolment etc. in assessing manpower for the following academic year.
  • Eduvisors conducts a quarterly staff planning exercise to estimate the requirements of the school in terms of human resources (teaching and non-teaching staff).
  • Based on the prepared staff plan, Eduvisors conducts recruitment exercises, which includes the following:
    • Vacancy notification through local newspapers, school website, online job portals and through referrals
    • Receipt of applications and evaluation of the applications based on pre-defined parameters
    • Shortlisting of the resumes received
    • Conduct of staff selection process. In case of teaching staff, the process involves interviews and demo class sessions
    • Appointment of the staff by sending offer letters and appointment letters to the selected candidates.
    • Introduce hierarchy in positions: probation, permanent and temporary
  • Recruitment of the Principal is conducted in the following manner:
  • Available position is advertised through different channels such as newspaper advertisements, school website, job portals and placement consultants
  • The school’s administrative office collects applications received and resumes are collated, separately for each available position
  • Candidates are shortlisted by a nominee of the managing committee on the basis of pre-defined criteria, namely; educational qualifications, relevant teaching experience; administrative experience and references and recommendations.
  • Shortlisted candidates are put through to the next round the interview.
  • Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by a panel consisting of a nominee of the school management committee and the chairperson of the management committee.
  • The panel takes a decision and a formal offer is made to the successful candidate

4.2 Staff Attendance


  • Regarding staff attendance, Eduvisors oversees the following processes:
  • Absence Notification:
  • Reasons for absence should be recorded by nominated person
  • Enquiry for assistance required on behalf of the school
  • Written reasons and a medical certificate should be collected in case of absence for more than 4 and 8 days, respectively
  • Return to Work:
  • Schedule of return-to-work meeting
  • Absence management:
  • A formal ‘Initial Absence Review Meeting’ in case of any concerns regarding employee absence
  • Stage 1 & 2 absence hearings should be conducted if the concern on employee absence persists


4.3 Staff Assessment and Appraisal


  • Eduvisors implements a transparent, 360 degree assessment process at the school to ensure that deserving teachers are rewarded and are incentivized.
  • Quantitative and qualitative feedback is taken from subject HoDs, colleagues, parents and students based on which each of the staff member is evaluated.
  • Teachers are incentivized through financial and non-financial rewards based on their performance, with appraisals being conducted half-yearly.
  • As part of the process, senior teachers play a mentoring role for newly hired teachers/ teachers with less experience.
  • Fixed mentoring schedule and program is put in place, with ‘mentor-mentee meetings’ held every month.


4.4 Staff Dismissal and Exit Interview


  • Exit Interviews are conducted with an employee who is separating from the organization; in order to identify the reasons for leaving, the employee’s perception of the employer and possible areas of improvement. Typically, these interviews are held in two cases:
  • Employee willingly resigns; or
  • Employee is asked to leave due to unsatisfactory performance.
  • Eduvisors oversees the process regarding employee dismissal:
  • Employee intimates resignation or is informed about unsatisfactory performance
  • Eduvisors with the Principal reviews the resignation letter and schedules an Exit Interview
  • Exit interview is held on a pre-decided date wherein Principal asks the employee to explain  reasons for leaving or providing details of unsatisfactory performance to the employee
  • Counteroffer made in case of special cases (like exemplary employee, critical time or no substitute available in immediate future); else resignation accepted or employee is dismissed.
  • Employee retained if counteroffer is accepted; else final pay cheque released.

4.5 Continuous Professional Development


  • Continuous professional development (CPD) is highly focused and customised for the school. CPD programs are activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher. The CPD program is divided into two:
    • Induction programs: For newly hired teachers – The induction program is a one week long program, the goal of which is to familiarize the new teaching staff with the school system
    • Ongoing training: For current and newly hired teachers – The ongoing training programs are conducted over 15 days spread across a year, with every teacher necessarily required to participate in the same.


  • Eduvisors is responsible for the following with regard to the induction program and mentoring:
  • Induction week:
  • Schedule an induction week prior to the commencement of academic year
  • Induction week to be a part of ‘Academic Calendar’
  • Collection of feedback on induction from new teachers
  • Mentoring:
  • Invite teachers to volunteer for mentorship
  • Mentor allotment to be based on prior experience and area of knowledge
  • Conduct training programs for mentors before one week of induction to new teachers
  • Conduct group and interactive sessions for mentor training
  • Organize one-to-one discussion by the mentor with the new teacher. It would be done 1-2 times every week for the first 3-4 weeks
  • Make ‘Induction Tracker’ and checklist which would updated by the mentors


  • The CPD programs focus on the following areas:
  • Subject matter knowledge:
  • Focus on developing subject knowledge
  • Integration of contextual basis of the subject matter for efficient classroom teaching
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Methods of assessment in school education
  • Identification of strong and weak areas of students
  • Usage of CCE in schools
  • Educational tools and methodologies
  • Other topics such as collaborative planning and teaching, classroom management, best practices, academically weaker section, dealing with disadvantaged children etc


  • While the induction program is conducted in-house, Eduvisors utilizes the services of an external agency to implement effective CPD programs, such as educational institutions, publishers, teacher training firms, reputed individual trainers
  • The following are the key services that is provided by Eduvisors for effective delivery of CPD programs:
  • Requirement assessment:
    • Carry out needs assessment for professional training based on teachers appraisal report
    • Frame KPI evaluation document
    • Build school performance and CPD reports for the overall school
    • Get feedback from subject HoDs, teachers, parents on the need of CPD
    • Professional Development Programs:
    • Collection of desired CPD programs from teachers
    • Preparation of database for best-in-class CPD service providers
    • Schedule professional development programs (training calendar) prior to commencement of academic year
    • Take feedback on CPD from participating teachers
    • CPD Evaluation:
    • CPD evaluation criteria to be agreed before with the Curriculum Committee comprising of teachers
    • Evaluation of pre and post improvement in student and teacher performance after CPD
    • Cost benefit analysis for the CPD programs implemented at the end of every academic year

While CBSE and other Boards lay down the norms with regards to curriculum for all affiliated schools, the implementation of the curriculum can vary from school to school. The curriculum should be implemented in a manner best suitable to the student profile and diversity enrolled in the school.


  • Eduvisors designs and develops the curriculum, with emphasis laid upon all three components: academic, physical education and extra-curricular activities related curriculum.
  • Academic: Academic curriculum could be designed either in-house (by experienced teachers), or could be outsourced to third party vendors. The same is decided after a discussion with the teachers.
  • Physical Education (PE): Depending on the budget, external vendors might be engaged for physical education curriculum development and implementation.
  • Extra-curricular activities: Depending on the budget, external vendors might be engaged for extracurricular activities development and implementation.
  • For curriculum design, the following are the key steps to be followed:
    • Design of the overall framework of the curriculum for the various classes
    • Yearly plan: Plan for a particular class level over a year that describes the distribution of the various units/ subject areas over the year
    • Unit plan: Planning for a series of lessons in the same content area within a subject
    • Lesson plan: Detailed planning for a subject lesson which is to be taught on any given day
  • The above components are designed after a detailed analysis of the following:
  • Specific goals for a particular subject on development of skills and knowledge among students
  • Establishment of performance indicators/ tools for measurement of outcomes for each of the classes, to measure the growth of each student from the beginning of the class till the end of the class
  • Development of content framework, which enables teachers to organize the objectives by content area or themes
  • Development of best teaching methodologies to enable maximum learning among students. E.g. activity based learning, technology interventions, through physical activities etc


5.1 Curriculum Committee


  • Eduvisors constitutes a ‘Curriculum Committee’ which consists of senior teachers from all levels- primary, middle and senior. These teachers work with Eduvisors team for Academic, PE and Co curricular curriculum design, adoption and review.
  • Eduvisors provides the following services regarding the curriculum committee:
    • Formation of a Curriculum Committee to oversee curriculum design, implementation and review across academics, PE and co curricular activities.
    • Defining organization structure, vision and mission statements for the curriculum committee.
    • Integration of key responsibility areas of the committee members with performance appraisal, mid-term and annual review of the curriculum design and activities
    • Documentation of the feedback from the committee members


5.2 Academic Curriculum Design, Adoption and Review


  • Eduvisors works on the design and implementation of academic curriculum in the following manner:
  1. Defining Curriculum Objectives:
    • Assessment of curricular needs before defining curriculum objectives
    • Integration of the curriculum objectives with the teaching strategies
    • Annual review/ evaluation of curriculum design policy and procedure
    • Feedback on annual review would be documented
  2. Designing the Curriculum:
    • Selection of content as it is an integral part in defining specific activities of teaching and learning
    • Identification of criteria for talented students
    • Motivation and assistance would be given for talented students to participate in competitions, workshops etc.
  3. Academic Calendar and Curriculum Planning:
    • Design of yearly, unit and lesson plans at the beginning of every academic year
  4. Calendar Plan Review:
    • Collection of feedback on the calendar and curriculum plans from all the stakeholders at the beginning of academic year
    • Review of curriculum and calendar plans at the end of the academic year
    • Collection of feedback on the calendar and curriculum plans from all the stake holders at the end of academic year


5.3 Physical Education Curriculum Design, Adoption and Review


  • A detailed physical education curriculum plan is developed for students of each class/grade/level, identifying various sports, games and activities that are to be conducted.
  • Individual report cards specific to performance in sports activities is provided.
  • The following are the key activities that is conducted by Eduvisors:
  • Identification of resources: For each of the identified sports and games activities for each class level, equipment and resources is provided as per the average age and number of students at the particular class level.
  • Hiring of coaches and trainers: Hiring of full time and part time coaches for each of the identified sports and games
  • Regular training: Physical trainers in the school to be provided with ongoing training programs
  • Ongoing physical tests: Annual physical tests to be conducted to measure the performance of the students, to ensure that talent is identified at a young age
  • Eduvisors works on the design and implementation of physical education curriculum in the following manner :
    • PE Curriculum design:
    • Documentation of curriculum objectives
    • Criteria for evaluation should be defined and stated to the students in advance
    • Identifying and promoting talented students to participate in competitions, workshops, etc.
    • Result analysis
    • Media communication plan is developed to showcase all sports activities related achievements at the school and in inter-school competitions


5.4 Co Curricular Activities Design, Adoption and Review


  • Eduvisors works on the design and implementation of co-curricular activities in the following manner :
  • Co-curricular activities:
    • Documentation of co-curricular objectives
    • Criteria for evaluation would be defined and stated to the students in advance
    • Identifying and promoting talented students to participate in competitions, workshops, etc.
    • Result analysis
    • Media communication plan is developed to showcase all co-curricular activities conducted at the school


5.5 Student Assessment


  • Assessment tools such as series of tests is developed annually with the goal to assess the competencies of the students in various units
  • Provision for area-wise analysis of student scores, thereby helping the teacher to pin-point the weak areas and place more focus on filling the gaps
  • Eduvisors conducts student assessments which focuses on the following areas:
  • Governance:
  • Formation of ‘Assessment Committee’ with members from the ‘Curriculum Committee’ for assessment and examination management
  • Annual review of assessment policy by the assessment committee
  • Monthly meetings with parents to discuss assessment criteria and methods
  • Continuous Assessment:
  • Providing assistance to parents on assessment related resources
  • Providing examination schedule to the parents at the beginning of the year


5.6 ICT Implementation Review and Usage


  • Eduvisors conducts the annual review of ICT usage which includes:
  • Generation of student and teacher usage reports through ICT

ICT review to be a part of performance appraisal for all teachers

6.1 Admission Process


  • Following are the services which are provided by Eduvisors regarding new admissions to the School:
  • Administration of admission process for students of Project Sponsor referrals
  • Administration of admission process for regular students who are not a part of the Project Sponsor family
  • Conduct of interactions to ensure entry of quality students in the school
  • Regular communication to the parents (with follow-ups) who express interest in seeking admission
  • Provision of admission kit along with the admission letter for each of the new student
  • It should be noted that Eduvisors shall have complete autonomy during the admission process and decisions taken regarding admission should have complete support of Project Sponsors or Trust/Society.


6.2 Test Preparation


  • Test preparation services are offered to all students in partnership with local test preparation providers. The test preparations providers include reputed institutes such as FIIT JEE, Resonance, VCM, Aakash; for the following national level examinations:
  • Engineering: Joint Entrance Examinations (Main and Advance)
  • All India Pre-Medical/ Pre-Dental Examination
  • Common Law Aptitude Test
  • National Aptitude Test in Architecture
  • NHMCT JEE (for hotel management)
  • Fashion and Design related examinations
  • The course offerings include:
  • 1-2 year course for students completing Class 10
  • 1-2 months crash course for students completing Class 12
  • Foundation programs for students belonging to students in Classes VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
  • Integrated school coaching program, with test preparation institutes partnering with schools to offer services after school hours
  • All learning materials are provided by the partner test preparation institutes along with the faculty members specifically hired for students of the School for doubt clearing sessions. Learning materials are made available to the students in the following formats:
  • Physical text books
  • Videos
  • Online tests and tutorials
  • Webinar
  • Following are the key services that Eduvisors provides for test preparations for students:
  • Identify and monitor suitable test preparation service provider which offers the best-in-class course offerings for the school.
  • Closely monitor the implementation of the service in the school.


6.3 Counseling Process


  • Eduvisors conducts the following activities pertaining to student counseling:
  • Hiring of a part-time counselor, with a school counseling calendar prepared. Each student has separate counseling sessions in every academic year.
  • Partnering with external agencies to involve students in local society building activities
  • Implementation of counseling sessions for higher education

7.1 Technology in Learning


Educational technology has evolved tremendously over the past decade. With regards to technology at the School, the following are the activities that Eduvisors performs:

  • Computer labs: While there are computer labs currently operational at the school, we anticipate the IT infrastructure to be upgraded every 3-5 years – either in case of increase in number of students, or in case of existent infrastructure getting outdated. Softwares are regularly updated, and training is delivered to school teachers, to effectively utilize the computer labs.
  • ICT in classrooms: Smart classes are also being currently implemented at the school. Eduvisors conducts an annual audit of the services being provided by the service provider based on parameters such as:
  • Quality of content
  • Training provided to teachers
  • Support services and cost impact
  • Based on the audit, Eduvisors identifies suitable vendors who offer the best-in-class product suitable for the school and closely monitor the implementation of the solution in the school.


7.2 Technology in Administration


  • School Management System: Considering the scale of the institute, it is imperative for an internal School Management System (SMS) to be installed which brings the various stakeholders – parents, students, teachers, and administration – together.
  • Following are the activities which conducted by Eduvisors regarding SMS:
  • Identify and monitor suitable SMS vendors who offer the best-in-class product suitable for the school and closely monitor the implementation of the service in the school.
  • All training related activities regarding the SMS for administration and teaching staff

8.1 Fee Collection


  • Following are the key activities that Eduvisors performs regarding fee collection:
  • Preparation and signing of fee contract between parents and the school for each of the students
  • Development of a standard policy for fee concession/ discounting etc
  • Conducting discussions and finalization of fee structure of each academic year based on the financial requirements of the school
  • Distribution of fee receipts to each of the parents
  • Collection of late fee by conducting regular follow ups, and implementation of a late-fee fine


8.2 Budgeting


  • Eduvisors is responsible for the following regarding the budget of the school:
  • Formal budgeting process for every department (class levels) and vertical. The budgeting process involves discussions with stakeholders across each of the department and vertical, and takes into account past expenditures
  • Annual review of the actual vs. planned/ budgeted expenditure
  • Evaluation of control mechanisms in case of planned expenditure being exceeded


8.3 Material Procurement


  • As and when required, Eduvisors manages the end to end process of sourcing and procurement of materials and movables required for the functioning of the school. Local/ national reputed vendors are chosen wherever necessary. Materials which need to be procured include (but are not limited to):
  • Furniture: Chairs, tables, storage solutions, blackboards etc
  • IT infrastructure: Computers, white boards, AV labs, projectors and associated infrastructure
  • Office infrastructure: Telephone systems, computers, furniture, stationery
  • Sports equipment
  • Library books
  • Medical supplies
  • Transport infrastructure
  • School supplies: Uniforms and Books
  • Procurement of materials required for the operation of the canteen such as furniture, cooking equipments, utensils and other necessary items
  • Eduvisors manages the entire vendor management process on an end-to-end basis as mentioned below:
  • Invitation of applications / proposals from vendors/ suppliers specializing in each of the mentioned categories
  • Short listing of vendors based on the submitted proposals by the central level procurement team
  • Conducting meetings and negotiations with each of the selected vendors
  • Finalization of contract with vendors/ suppliers for each of the category
  • Planning of capital purchases at the beginning of every academic year, with quarterly reviews conducted. The decisions are made involving stakeholders such as principal, seniors teachers etc.
  • Bi-weekly budgeting and accounting for fast moving items required for the day to day functioning of the school.


8.4 Salary management


  • Following are the key services that Eduvisors offers working in conjunction with the school F&A department:
  • Timely disbursement of salaries to teachers in line with the latest rules and regulations laid down by the government
  • Decide on salary related matters on an annual basis or at the time of new teachers joining the school
  • Responsible for matters related to fixation of salaries for each of the staff members

Based on the performance of the staff members, appraisal process is conducted and revised salaries are issued to each staff member

9.1 Parent Engagement


  • Regular involvement of parents and potential parents is necessary for building a good repute in the local area. Eduvisors regularly reviews all the parent engagement initiatives detailed below:
  • Parent Teacher Meetings: Regular meetings with parents of all the students
  • Individual interaction between the subject teachers and the parents
  • Children’s Diary: Constant communication with parents about the students’ performance
  • Daily/ weekly updates to be provided to the parents through the diary and the SMS (system) depending on the requirement
  • Constant communications through the school management system, with regards to meetings, school events and competitions etc
  • Individual usernames and passwords to be provided to each parent at the time of admission, through which parents can remain constantly updated
  • Parent Teachers Association to be constituted, the composition of which is to be changed once every three years
  • PTA to be a platform for parents to offer their advices, voice their concerns and work with the school management towards improving the overall performance of the school


9.2 Infirmary management


  • Following are key services provided by Eduvisors for infirmary management:
  • Annual budget allocation for medical facilities at school, with facilities updated as and when required.
  • Selection of a Health and Safety Coordinator from amongst the staff members.
  • Regular medical checkups for the students, with doctors and paramedical professionals visiting the school from nearby reputed hospital
  • Maintenance and updating of health records both in digital and offline formats.


9.3 Website Management


  • Eduvisors reviews the following:
  • Content management:
  • Content to be developed and reviewed collectively by the Eduvisors team, Principal and senior teachers
  • Verification of the content meeting the guidelines of website policy
  • Acquiring consent from the respective person in case of any personal information being posted
  • Maintenance:
  • Feedback and suggestions from the Principal, parents, teachers, and students should be recorded in a maintenance log on an ongoing basis to ensure implementation during upgrades
  • A record of issues should be maintained in support to further review of policy and procedures
  • Periodical review of maintenance log


9.4 Canteen Management


  • The school canteen plays a special role in the education, growth and development of the students and the other school members. Apart from providing nutritious and affordable food and beverages to its members, the canteen should be financially self sustainable.  Given the fact that the student population is more prone to unhealthy eating habits, it is crucial that the school canteen provides healthy and nutritious food.
  • Eduvisors reviews and is responsible for the following key activities:
    • Identifying, short listing and monitoring the canteen vendor for the school
    • Appointment of:
    • Canteen Manager
    • Cooks for preparation of nutritious and healthy meals
    • Helpers for assisting the cooks in the preparation and distribution of prepared meals
    • Cleaners for ensuring a clean and hygienic environment for the students to be served meals
    • Identification of multiple suppliers at effective costs and quality
    • Purchasing of products at the best price in appropriate quantities
    • Material requirements to be assessed based on the past trends and new plans
    • Infrastructure to be provided for the maintenance of the procured stock


9.5 Library Management


  • The school library contributes immensely to the intellectual growth of school students and staff. It helps them in gaining knowledge, becoming self reliant and gaining confidence. A school library should stock a wide variety of information and fiction books with the aim of developing sound reading and research habits in students and teachers alike.  The main objectives of a library are: availability, accessibility and usability.
  • Eduvisors reviews and is responsible for the following key activities:
  • Procurement of books and periodicals
  • Maintenance of books
  • Issue of books
  • Collection of books
  • Managing challenges to library resources
  • Introduction to and management of digital resources.

9.6 Security Management


  • School security is important to keep students safe while they are away from home. Increased security in school can help administrators to ensure a safe environment for students, thus mitigating the fear that parents might have about their wards’ safety when outside home. It is also essential to ensure that the school infrastructure is safeguarded from local vandals.
  • Eduvisors reviews and is responsible for the following key activities:
  • Identifying, short listing vendors of security companies for the schools
  • Monitoring security through established security management guidelines.

9.7 Service and Maintenance


  • Eduvisors reviews the following:
  • Scheduled maintenance:
  • Maintenance of a complaints register
  • Maintenance process to be conducted periodically
  • Review of available stock to the actual present at the year end
  • Maintenance process:
  • Classification of complaints into replacements or repairs
  • Prioritize the replacement and repair requirements on basis of necessity and price points
  • Maintain required supplies which face difficulty in replacement as a regular inventory items


9.8 Inventory Management


  • Inventory of property and equipment is taken on an annual basis. The inventory system shall serve the functions of control and conservation.
  • Eduvisors oversees all processes relating to inventory management and conduct audits of the following key procedures:
  • Record keeping
  • Maintenance
  • Procurement of small items

Marketing and communications activities are of utmost importance for schools to create and maintain positive image. Such activities include developing a marketing plan at different stages of establishment in order to maintain visibility of the school.


10.1 Marketing and Communications


  • Eduvisors designs and implements regular marketing initiatives which are necessary for the success of the school. A combination of the following activities are conducted:
  • Marketing plan development
  • Marketing collateral development: Development of brochures, mailers, application forms, newspaper ads, hoarding designs etc
  • Contract management with design and advertising firms
  • Website design and development: Development of website in partnership with the website development company
  • Content writing
  • PR and media campaigns: Implementation of PR and media campaigns in local newspapers
  • Contract management with top national level and local dailies in India
  • Stakeholder engagement initiatives: Customized initiatives to engage key stakeholders – parents, students, local community etc. – through seminars, events etc.

11.1 Policies and Procedures

  • To streamline all the operational processes at the school, Eduvisors creates policy and procedure documents for various stakeholders clearly describing roles, responsibilities and processes to be followed. These documents act as the strategic link between the school’s vision and the day to day operations.
  • Eduvisors conducts training sessions for the various stakeholders where each of the policy and procedure document explained. In addition, to ensure that the various outlined policies and procedures are followed, half yearly audits are conducted.

11.2 Internal Audits and Audit Planning

  • An internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consultancy activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Types of internal audits include:
  • Compliance Audits
  • Financial Audits
  • Operational Audits
  • Information Technology Audits
  • Internal Control Reviews
  • Investigative Audits
  • The following are the key responsibilities that Eduvisors undertakes to conduct internal audits at the School:
  • Audit planning and notifications
  • Preliminary survey
  • Field work – testing
  • Audit findings and recommendations
  • Internal quarterly and annual audits are necessary to ensure that the School meets various standards that have been set by the school management. Audits also enable the institute for continuous improvement through specific identified steps.
  • For all the various audits to be conducted, a detailed audit plan is prepared, following are the key services relating to audit planning:
  • Preparation of an audit plan which is made available to the management/ administration team.
  • Audits are conducted on a quarterly and annual basis. Based on the results of the audit, necessary interventions are made to ensure quality standards being achieved.
  • Audits are done across the following areas:
  • Leadership & Organizations
  • Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • Culture and Community
  • Regulatory Conformance
  • Professional Development
  • School Administration and Planning
  • Policy Frameworks
  • Learning Environment
  • Environment Responsibility 

11.3 Infrastructure Review & Audits

  • Eduvisors conducts the following:
  • Schedule infrastructure review and audits
  • Maintenance of a complaint register to track ad hoc repair requirements
  • Preparation of infrastructure audit checklist to collectively assess and monitor asset performance annually.
how can we help you?

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We look forward to being your expert advisor in Education