HigherEd Strategy & Operations

Eduvisors draws on its vast experience of working with HigherEd sector in India to provide fact-based strategy and operations consulting services. As we start with a strong education sector expertise, our consultants understand your challenges and can focus on addressing the specific needs of your institution. Our market research led consulting services offer guidance and insight for higher education leaders in areas such as increasing operational efficiency and containing costs, improving recruiting and retention, developing new degree programs, and moving programs online.

Establishing and Implementing Institutional Priorities

  • Facilitated strategic planning
  • Accreditation support
  • International market opportunities

Managing the Academic Program Portfolio

  • Program and course portfolio evaluation
  • Student and industry demand studies
  • New program opportunities and feasibility studies

Improving Recruitment and Retention

  • Planning student retention initiatives
  • Tuition pricing research

Strategic Marketing and Communication

  • Communication audit
  • Market focused research
  • Marketing media planning
  • Integrated social media strategy

We work with people across the educational institution – including boards of trustees, directors, and marketing/communications organizations, enrolment or admissions management operations and alumni relations.

At Eduvisors we confront each challenge sans any preconceived notion; our solutions are based on facts rather than opinions.

The Enrolment Management consulting services at Eduvisors offer HigherEd institutions the tools and resources they need to hone recruitment strategies, develop retention strategies, effectively train staff, enhance ROI on marketing and recruitment, and improve operations. Some of the benefits that our clients have accrued over our long-term engagements are:

Develop and implement a compelling student retention strategy

  • Implement data-driven and intelligent early warning systems to reliably identify “at-risk” students
  • Establish immediate-term, medium-term and long-term strategies for improving retention among key student populations
  • Generate buy-in from relevant stakeholders (e.g. faculty and administrators) to ensure success

Create new recruiting markets

  • Identify new areas or regions where you can leverage your brand to attract new students
  • Implement best practices for developing relationships with career/guidance counsellors
  • Develop the most appropriate positioning for your institution to compete for students in the identified new markets

Prioritizing efforts in managing enrolments

  • Benchmark your admissions budget, technology, and staffing against peers and national trends
  • Make compelling business case for staffing and budgetary resources

Increased return on marketing and recruiting investments

  • Gain insights on where and how prospective students are searching for colleges and how to most effectively communicate with the target audiences (students/parents)
  • Examine and analyze key factors driving application & enrolment decisions to sharpen your recruiting strategies
  • Train your admissions staff to reach target populations more effectively and efficiently

What is the optimal price for an education at your college or university? This is a straightforward question, but many college and university managements and administrators acknowledge its true complexity. The best answers can be found in understanding the intricate relationships between price and value, especially the distinct value perceptions held by prospective students and their families.

Considering pricing strategies for your institution raises many additional questions:

  • How price-sensitive or elastic is your market for each specific program?
  • How do you know which market segments are the most and least price-sensitive?
  • How can you raise revenue and still meet student enrolment goals?
  • How will price increases affect your fee discount strategies?
  • How does your price shape your college or university’s brand in the marketplace?
  • How do you build and sustain a brand value that supports the desired level of pricing?

Eduvisors offers an integrated research and consulting service to assist colleges and universities address price and value issues. Our Pricing Optimization service team works with you to achieve a variety of essential objectives, including:

  • Increased net revenue;
  • Higher enrolment among target populations (e.g., higher ability students and students outside primary geographic markets);
  • Enhanced value perceptions in the marketplace.
    Our approach is completely customized for each institution we serve and ensures that you can achieve your objectives while not deviating from your unique institutional vision, mission, values, and culture.

In these competitive and demanding times, all colleges and universities face challenges in recruiting the right students and ensuring that their reputation is positive and accurate. Eduvisors’ expertise in marketing education institutions means that it is exceptionally well placed to help ensure effective marketing.

Excellence in branding, marketing, and communications often starts with research. Eduvisors can help you:

  • Conduct research among key audiences and influencers to assess perceptions of the institution and its offerings – especially as they relate to mission, vision, and values;
  • Undertake research among current students, their parents, alumni, faculty, staff, employers, and opinion leaders on their perceptions of how well the institution delivers on its brand promises;
  • Audit the institution’s existing materials and media;
  • Test current messaging and proof points for accuracy and market response.

Developing Brand Strategy

    • Building on the foundation as mentioned above, we deliver:
  • Research outcomes and insights on the institution’s brand image among key decision makers and influencers;
  • Brand promises that aim to meet specific needs, desires and concerns of different segments of audience;
  • 360 degrees messaging system with key messages defended by proof points in both data-driven and narrative form and applied to the decision maker and influencer segments;
  • Brand strategy that leads to a long-term roadmap for marketing. communication and investment decisions;
  • Recommendations on key attributes that become the basis for an identity system that matches well with the recommended key messaging system;
  • Best-in-class brand management practices that can be implemented by the brand ambassadors within the institution;
  • Comprehensive training of an institution’s management, marketing and communications teams on how to deploy the brand strategy and key messaging in spoken as well as written formats and across various media and materials.

Branding and Design

After finalizing the branding and design for your college or university, our team produces high quality marketing collaterals ensuring that the ethos and the vision of your college or university is effectively communicated to the target audience. Our team is versatile and is well-equipped to not only create copy but also commission and manage photography aspects of marketing collaterals.


Eduvisors creates dynamic, attention-grabbing and to-the-point advertising campaigns for our client colleges and universities. We help you to identify the right media to use and the most optimal timeframe for your advertisement campaign. Additionally, we help with implementation of monitoring systems for effectiveness of the advertisements made public.

Public Relations and Communications

For colleges and universities, public relations is an important means by which one ensures that everyone who matters to you gets a full, fair and accurate impression of the institution. Our services assist you in attracting positive attention from the press as your college or university is featured in newspaper and magazine articles, on broadcast television, on the radio or on social media. Our media relations services can help you establish strong working relationships with members of the media.
Our expertise in Higher Education help you take benefit of smartly crafted press releases, well-thought out targeted story pitches, detailed event planning complete with media presence.

Web Design, Digital Marketing and Social Media

Our online strategies differentiate between ‘campaigns’ and ‘conversations’. Eduvisors digital media team, together with our clients, creates strategies that allow conversations about our clients that lead to measurable enquiries and interest in the institution as opposed to just measuring the number of clicks or visits.

We assist colleges and universities make the best use of the available online and digital marketing technologies to recruit and retain students, informed by our expertise in HigherEd sector.

Most institutions across the globe have recognized the value of building and sustaining long-term relationships with their alumni. Whether for tapping the network of alumni for research, consulting, new admissions or simply fund-raising purposes, colleges and universities understand the critical role their alumni can potentially play for their alma mater.
It is becoming increasingly important to understand the benefits for the student community when they remain engaged with alumni – not just as potential donors or employers but also as mentors and guides.

To help institutions forge sustainable and long-lasting relationships and convert them into desirable outcomes, Eduvisors uses quantitative and qualitative market research tools, predictive and statistical modelling, and our knowledge of advancement and alumni relations to:

  • Gather and analyze the historical data related to alumni;
  • Benchmark the institution with relevant competitors;
  • Research alumni engagement levels;
  • Identify the major drivers of alumni engagement level with the institution;
  • Examine the current alumni affairs/relations operational practices.

The insights derived from extensive research and data modelling enable our clients to understand that alumni perceptions and intentions can vary considerably by era. Some of the deliverables of our engagement are:

  • Findings of underlying factors of alumni level of engagement and satisfaction with the institute;
  • Insights on how alumni want to engage with the institution;
  • Service priorities alumni expressly want;
  • Best practices for enhanced alumni engagement and satisfaction.

Following the recommendations for increased alumni engagement and satisfaction, we work with our clients to create a specific, multiyear implementation program that includes tasks, schedules, metrics, and outcomes. These outcomes can include:

  • Increased alumni engagement;
  • Ongoing measurement of alumni satisfaction;
  • Enhanced alumni giving in a variety of forms;
  • Reduced student-recruiting costs;
  • Increased pool of recommended or referred potential students;
  • Higher quality of enrolments;
  • Better utilisation of support staff involved in alumni affairs/relations.
how can we help you?

Do you have questions about how Eduvisors can help ? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

We look forward to being your expert advisor in Education