Scholarship and Recognition Services

Eduvisors Scholarship and Recognition Services (ESRS) is committed to providing our clients the best program possible. We work hard to ensure an unbiased, principled, repeatable process with stellar customer service.

We have years of experience in the design and management of scholarship, financial aid and recognition programs for organizations across India. We make it easy for our clients to offer a well-managed assistance program. Backed by a world-renowned educational research and managed services company, we provide uniquely personalized service to meet any level of need.

Work with experts

The number one reason corporations and foundations partner with Eduvisors Scholarship and Recognition Services (ESRS) is our expertise. When our clients use ESRS, they get access to all other Eduvisors departments through our experienced program managers, allowing collaboration with educational and social researchers. This expansion of available resources gives better return on the investment made in scholarship.

We offer innovative solutions, superior customer service to clients and students, and flexible program design and administration, backed by years of experience.

Save money and gain quality

Most scholarship programs are cyclical; staff is not needed to manage the process outside the program dates. ESRS manages those staffing needs without passing the cost along to the clients.

Outsourcing scholarship or recognition program management makes a lot of commercial and business sense. It helps our clients to:

  • Reduce their overheads through staff and administrative costs
  • Increase credibility through unbiased, third-party evaluations
  • Provide scholarship program results that are fair and repeatable
  • Guarantee consistency in program management
  • Allow them to concentrate on their core business

At Eduvisors we confront each challenge sans any preconceived notion; our solutions are based on facts rather than opinions.

ESRS offers a full spectrum of consulting and program management services to help our clients with:

Setting-Up Own Program

  • Design and development of new programs
  • Design and production of the application, either via paper or online or a combination
  • Design, development and dissemination of publicity materials
  • Development and maintenance of faculty representative networks
  • Development and management of program databases

The Selection Process

  • Application processing, data collection, tracking, and analysis
  • Customer service support to candidates or scholars via phone or email or website
  • Selection process guidance, including criteria, measurement, and weighting
  • Selection process support, including administration, logistics, and training
  • Coordination of selection panel meetings or field reads

Awards and Accountability

  • Customized management reports and program rosters
  • All levels of notification services
  • Award processing and distribution of funds
  • Program evaluation and analysis
  • Scholar tracking and management services
  • Scholar event planning and travel arrangements

Program Optimization

Eduvisors is a strategic SRS partner for many firms. We provide ongoing program reporting and recommendations to ensure our client’s program is successful and aligned with their goals.

As a full-service partner, we also offer ancillary services to meet the needs of every aspect of the program. From program branding and marketing to recipient promotion, we have the products and services to elevate the program to the next level.

Why partner with Eduvisors Scholarship and Recognition Services (ESRS)?
We help our clients maximize their return on investment. Most of our clients say that they find ESRS’ unique philosophy on customer service, flexibility in program design and years of experience unmatched. Our clients are our first priority and always receive professional, expert service.

Why outsource management of a program?
Outsourcing a program saves time and money because our clients can then focus on their core business. With years of experience in managing programs and a staff with many former educators and experienced businesspeople, we make scholarship management efficient and effective. In addition, we do the work as a silent partner, so that our clients keep all the benefits from the publicity.

Because this market is so targeted, organizations can find it difficult to hire the right scholarship expertise. Additionally, since the work on scholarship program administration is seasonal, the extra staff may not be needed all year. Using Eduvisors’ SRS:

  • Saves time and money
  • Increases credibility
  • Provides program results that are fair and repeatable
  • Guarantees consistency
  • Allows our clients to concentrate on their core business

Why offer an education assistance program?

Among the benefits of operating an outsourced education assistance program are:

  • Recruitment – Offering an education assistance program is an excellent way to promote the sponsor company in today’s competitive job market.
  • Retention – A program can develop a sense of loyalty to the sponsor company, significantly reducing recruitment and training costs.
  • Productivity – Allowing employees to expand their knowledge will increase sponsor company’s productivity with more satisfied, productive workers. Employees can use the knowledge they’ve gained to find new and more efficient ways of doing their work.
  • Social Responsibility – When offering education assistance programs, sponsor companies receive a number of benefits while making a positive impact in their communities by investing in India’s future.
  • Cost Savings – The cost savings in recruitment and retention are significant; however, there are also tax benefits to offering education assistance programs. Our clients also see the savings in significantly reduced internal administrative costs.

Who can sponsor a program?
Almost anyone can sponsor a program. Our clients include companies, membership organizations, foundations, associations, trusts and individuals. We work with all types of sponsors.

What is involved in establishing a program?
Establishing a program can be complex or rather straight forward. The first step in establishing a program is determining the goals of the sponsor. Our Account Management Executive discusses options with the clients to offer recommendations for a successful program and to achieve the stated goals.

What are the fees associated with offering a program?
ESRS offers free consultations. Our Account Management Executive works with our clients to develop a program design at no cost to the clients. We recognize that the clients have unique goals for their program and we will work with them to create customized program design. The management fee is determined when the program design is established, so the clients pay only for the services they utilize.

Our organization is small; does it even make sense to establish a program?
Many different types of program sponsors provide scholarships, including companies, institutions, foundations and individuals. Scholarships and recognition programs are an economical way to promote workforce development, assist an underserved population, gain publicity, achieve corporate citizenship, and ultimately help the growth of our society. Best of all, our clients determine the budget by number, size, and frequency of awards.

What is involved in establishing a sound recognition program?
The key decisions for building a solid program are made by defining eligibility guidelines and budget. Our clients are expected to determine:

  • Eligibility criteria for the application
  • Types of school or Higher Education recipients may attend
  • Financial need to be considered
  • Merit-based or merit-cum-means considerations
  • Total budget for awards and management fees
  • Whether awards will be one-time or renewable

What areas of our organization will be involved if we manage our scholarship program in-house?

  • Finance/accounting
  • Information technology
  • Database support
  • Phone/email support
  • Human resources
  • Legal
  • Mail distribution
  • Marketing communications/public relations

When should we start planning for a scholarship program?
Our clients typically begin planning the scholarship at least 9-10 months prior to the intended award date. If the client wants to schedule the scholarship to coincide with the academic year, they should start planning between August and September for the following academic years starting in April or May.

What should we consider when establishing scholarship selection criteria?
The two most common scholarship considerations are academic achievement and financial need. These elements can stand alone or be combined with:

  • Service to the society or involvement in voluntary service
  • Outstanding abilities, such as:
  • Areas of art
  • Athletics
  • Writing
  • Specific fields of study or research
  • Attendance at a particular school or type of school
  • Considerations of diversity
  • Entrepreneurial spirit

What kind of budget is needed to establish a program?
Scholarship programs are inexpensive when compared to other types of marketing or community programs. Very few programs are exactly alike and few sponsors have the same resources or program objectives. Cost factors include the level of service the clients need, the number of applicants they expect, and the number and amount of awards they establish. In other words, the clients determine the budget and the rest follows.

How long should a program run?
The length of time needed to conduct a successful program is based on the size of the program and anticipated number of applications. ESRS assists in developing a calendar that works for the program.

How are fees for program management determined?
Typically, our fee is a small percentage of the budget set-aside for the program. Also, we help customize a program that is affordable. In addition, we provide free, no-obligation consultation on programs.

What are our responsibilities once a program is established?
Our clients’ responsibilities will be as many or few as they would like. At minimum, we ask our clients to weigh in on unusual questions of eligibility, approve the list of award winners, and provide funds for awards and fees. On the other hand, they may be involved in every stage of the program.

Who is responsible for managing our program?
The program be assigned to a dedicated program coordinator. The coordinator works with our clients to initiate the program and is their key contact for any calls or enquiries about the program. The program coordinator also provides our clients with regular updates of program activity.

How are recipients selected?
ESRS is experienced with many types of selection methods, and helps our clients determine the most cost-effective selection process to meet their needs. All SRS selection methods focus on the information provided by the candidates as it relates to the goals of the sponsor organization.

Do you additionally handle the disbursement of our awards?
Yes, we do.

how can we help you?

Do you have questions about how Eduvisors can help ? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

We look forward to being your expert advisor in Education