CSR Programs

Eduvisors offers customised, end-to-end solutions to corporates at different stages in their CSR engagement cycle. Our work spans early learning, K-12, and post-secondary education, as well as skills development for youth and community engagement.

For organisations new to the domain, we help them co-create their CSR road-map, using our proprietary diagnostic tool, ‘Corporate Conscience’. In doing so, we work closely with the leadership in revisiting the organisation’s vision, mission and values, besides conducting a 360° audit of its stakeholder ecosystem, and evaluating the relevant best practices. For organisations that already have a CSR program in place, we help them align it with their strategic objectives and their value chain. Eduvisors not only creates a strategic framework for its clients, but also takes responsibility of program planning, management and audit. Our services include:

  • CSR strategy and planning
    • CSR strategy
    • Stakeholder engagement
  • Sustainability research
  • Audits and assessments
    • Company assessment
    • Community needs assessment
    • Social audits
    • Child assessment
  • Communications and reporting
  • Cause-related or social marketing
  • CSR-related training and capacity building

At Eduvisors we confront each challenge sans any preconceived notion; our solutions are based on facts rather than opinions.

Company Assessment

We provide a comprehensive analysis of our client’s current position based on global standards and best practices in CSR. The analysis includes a detailed report on the current status and the gaps in the CSR strategy and implementation. This entails identifying and documenting the primary objectives for CSR, reviewing current activities against desired objectives and implementing the strategies agreed upon.

Our Company Assessments are supported by CSR rating tools developed by Eduvisors. Our rating methodology is based on a variety of frameworks including Accountability standards, GRI indicators and UN Global Compact Principles.

Community Needs Assessment

For companies that operate in multiple geographies where there are varied cultures, social practices and issues, the development of CSR policies that are adaptable and applicable to a wide range of situations becomes crucial. We help organisations in this, by conducting a detailed study to understand and define the following:

  • Stakeholders
  • Issues – how to manage them
  • Impacts – positive and negative
  • Resources and accountabilities for community relations and projects
  • Process for handling complaints
  • Review mechanism for this process

For example, before any physical work starts in an area, we conduct a social impact assessment. This includes widespread stakeholder consultation with members of the local community, non-governmental organisations and government agencies. This approach gives additional benefit of the establishment of productive working relationships with surrounding communities and local government agencies.

Social Audits

We assist our clients measure the results, effectiveness and value of their CSR and Sustainability initiatives using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

We conduct not only sustainability and social audits but also social compliance audits to monitor and measure an organisation’s progress and achievement against relevant indicators and benchmarks.

Child Assessment

Eduvisors has proven experience in early childhood assessment, including psychometrics (norming, reliability, and validity), administration and training, and scoring. Our team brings detailed knowledge of standardized and observational child assessments in language, literacy, maths, socio-emotional areas, learning, and health. Eduvisors uses such data for continual program improvement through training and technical assistance.

Globally, CSR initiatives are considered to be at an inflexion point related to the development of sustainability reporting, more so in Education sector. Earlier the focus was on publishing exception to the expected in reports for consumption of public. Now, many companies are incorporating sustainability and CSR related information into their annual reports, and regulators are putting sustainability disclosure requirements in place. At the same time, there is a growing demand from stakeholders for transparency.

Whether embarking on the first sustainability report or looking to adapt communications for the new world, companies must think strategically to maximize the impact of communications on stakeholder perceptions and support business objectives.

As a leading player in CSR programs focused on Education, Eduvisors has collaborated in efforts to refine standards and define best practices. Eduvisors assists its clients develop:

  • A reporting and communications strategy that effectively supports and enhances CSR programs in Education
  • An annual report or other communications tool that provides a balanced view of CSR-related performance
  • Stakeholder engagement processes for increasing transparency and improving communications
  • KPIs, metrics, and case studies that effectively communicate the progress toward business objectives

Business benefits

Reporting is not an end in itself; instead, it is a powerful tool to support internal change and to facilitate stakeholder decision making. Effective reporting must include:

  • Drive change by setting solid baselines and clear commitments for improvement.
  • Increase alignment and integration of sustainability activities across the organization.
  • Bolster collaboration by celebrating achievements, inspiring innovation, and confronting challenges.
  • Strengthen internal and external relationships by serving as a platform for ongoing dialogue.
  • Enhance brand image by building credibility in the marketplace.
Specific Areas:

(Corporate reporting / external communications, including direct, digital and mass media campaigns (including communication creatives) / internal communications / public relations / performance reporting / code of conduct implementation / external standards communication / communications strategy / triple-bottom-line reporting)

Competent, motivated and innovative human resources are essential to the success of any strategic effort.

In responding to the systemic sustainability challenges, awareness, new skills and motivation become essential. Empowering human resource with innovative CSR/Sustainability trainings and capacity building tools bring value to our clients. We offer trainings to develop internal capacity and the right know-how and tools to equip the human resources in an organisation. This includes the following:

  • Identify key people, roles and responsibilities at all levels (vertical) and representing all sections (horizontal) of the client organisation.
  • Agree reporting lines for accountability
  • Define internal processes and procedures to achieve the identified objectives
  • Establish communication channels (internal and external) for publicising the achievements

Our trainings and facilitation on ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development foster responsible decision-making at all levels of the organisation.

Specific Areas:

(Code of conduct implementation / workplace ethics and values training / human rights in the workplace / employee-organisation values alignment / ethical leadership training)

Client and Scope: Oil & gas exploration firm.

Project Summary: Needs assessment for community development programs around the client’s exploration facility in India. The project involved assessing community needs in adult education or vocational skills and evaluating the delivery capabilities of the then existing Enterprise Centre involved in skill development programs.

Outcome: Assessed needs helped us identify new programs which are financially sustainable. The second phase of the project involved identifying implementation partners to deliver these programs. Eduvisors was involved in identifying the partners and program managing the implementation over 2 years.


Client: Multiple

Project Summary: Writing/reviewing the Annual CSR Report. Working with client from original design to published report, including liaising with relevant in-house contributors to ensure comprehensive but relevant coverage and consistency of presentation.

Outcome: Annual reports that meet the statutory requirements and which are pivotal to the client’s communications strategy, reflecting the culture of the client’s organization.

how can we help you?

Do you have questions about how Eduvisors can help ? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

We look forward to being your expert advisor in Education