Market Research

Educational institutions make superior decisions when they understand the perspectives of their important stakeholders. Market research plays a critical role in delivering these relevant insights on a variety of stakeholders. Based on research experience via multiple engagements, Eduvisors believes that well-designed and executed research significantly lowers the risks inherent in not just strategic but also tactical decision-making. Eduvisors has been a leading player in the field of market research as applied to educational institutions, and continues to utilize innovative methodologies and strong analytics capabilities to meet the complex challenges facing educational institutions.

How Eduvisors is different than a typical Market Research firm

  • Focused completely on Education sector, we are a full-service market research provider. We manage all phases of our research projects, which results in increased effectiveness and efficiency in the management of projects.
  • We convert research related data and information into useful and relevant knowledge for our clients using our sector expertiseand experience of working with many institutions. We also build on existing insights and repertoire of knowledge base that we have built over a period of time – therefore, merging demographic and competitive analyses with institutional data to provide a sound decision-making framework for our clients. All our reports, presentations and other deliverables summarize research findings and are in the context of educational institutions.

Our recommendations assist our clients to focus their resources and repurpose their plans to achieve measurable outcomes that help their institutions in areas provided below:

    • Brand positioning strategies vis-á-vis the competitors
    • Mission differentiation and articulation
    • Program planning
    • Key message development
    • Identification of target market
    • Student satisfaction
    • Alumni engagement
    • Retention-related intervention strategies
    • Funding related strategies
    • We serve the education community exclusively and we have served a large number of institutions, from independent and chain of K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, to consortia and government organizations focused on education.
    • We use the latest technologies for all data collection, and our team comprises professionals who are experienced consultants and smart analysts who interpret data in most meaningful manner.
    • We do not provide canned research reports – we customize research for all of our clients – from sample design and instrument development, through to the reporting and analysis of the findings, to the recommendations that follow from the research.
    • Highest standards of quality – in everything that we do – from problem statement and selection of the right methodologies, to instrument design to reporting and interpretation of the research outcomes.

At Eduvisors we confront each challenge sans any preconceived notion; our solutions are based on facts rather than opinions.

All market research engagements at Eduvisors are driven by strong primary research, both qualitative and quantitative. The methodologies that we deploy depend largely on the objectives of our clients. There is an art to choosing the right methodology – or mix of methodologies – to collect data from important constituencies. Every data collection method has its strengths and limitations, and none is superior in all situations. As a result, our research projects often combine methods such as:

  • In-depth management interviews;
  • Focus groups discussions;
  • Online surveys;
  • Paper surveys;
  • Phone surveys.

To maximize the return on our clients’ research-related investment, we start by identifying the most important stakwholders to survey.

  • The constituencies we have surveyed include:
  • Prospective students (undergraduate, graduate, professional);
  • Current students;
  • Faculty, staff, trustees;
  • Parents;
  • Alumni;
  • Regulators;
  • Key opinion/thought leaders;
  • Guidance counsellors.

We deploy online surveys effectively of many of our research projects . We have developed proprietary framework to be able to make sense out of the data collected from such online surveys. Online surveys led research projects keep our clients satisfied due to its scalability and alignment with multiple stakeholders. We have conducted various research projects using the worldwide web-based data collection methods for a variety of educational institutions (i.e., K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and vocational training businesses) and for a number of stakeholders (e.g., prospective and current students, their parents, corporate employees, and alumni). Our online and real time surveys offer our clients many benefits, including:

  • Wider coverage;
  • Quicker turnaround time;
  • Higher response rate due to rich and dynamic content;
  • Eliminated interviewer bias;
  • Round the clock access to the respondents;
  • Ability to collect in-depth verbatim responses.

We understand that schools, colleges, universities and education businesses seek market research when they are considering new initiatives or ventures, are confronted with new challenges, or are interested in repositioning themselves. In all cases, it is necessary to deeply analyze the research data to uncover all that the survey respondents have conveyed. Our analysis of gathered data starts with an examination of the means and frequencies of responses compared to other variables in the research.

We follow rigourous statistical tools and techniques to get robust outcomes. Some of the techniques that we frequently use are regression analysis, analysis of variance, independent T-tests and Ch-square automatic interaction detector, which is a type of decision tree technique, based upon adjusted significance testing Some of the most commonly used techniques are factor and cluster analysis and conjoint analysis .

Our data collection and analysis approach enables us to assist our clients with insights that bring a new world of relevant perspectives with the data. In many cases, our approach has helped our clients take radical decisions that were completely against the ‘prima facie’ interpretation of the data at the beginning of our research.

Client: A leading vocational skills provider

Project Scope: In order to inform itself and share the findings with a qualification awarding body, our client required a combination of qualitative and quantitative feedback from users of its vocational qualifications.

Project Summary: Eduvisors assembled a project team of experienced qualitative interviewers, conducted over 400 semi-structured telephone calls and 200 in-person interviews with various stakeholders. A full analysis of the findings and a written report was presented to the client, who in turn passed the report in its entirety to the qualification awarding body.


Client: A not-for-profit body (government related organization)

Project Scope: Market environment research on a European country’s education market in India<

Project Summary: A government related organization involved in the promotion of HigherEd service providers from its country was seeking customer usage insights to help its colleges and universities position themselves better in India.

The objectives of the study were to:

Understand the perception of HigherEd and vocational education institutions from the country. Gauge the market share that the country possesses in India and assess competitors’ strengths and weaknesses in terms of customers’ perceptions and promotional activities. Understand the factors that impact the decision making process of choosing international and transnational education. Provide strategic recommendations to position and promote HigherEd institutions from the country.

Eduvisors held focus group discussions and conducted phone and online surveys with students in India. Interviews with India-based foreign government embassies or agencies in-charge of education, education agencies, private institutions providing overseas qualification were also held.

Our deliverables served as key inputs to help our client decide on the market position strategies and arrive at a 5-year strategy for India.

Project deliverables included a report addressing:

  • Ecosystem of the Colleges and Universities from the country in the Indian market.
  • Market share of HigherEd institutions from the country in India.
  • Factors crucial to the decision making process of choosing location and nationality of education.
  • Information channels that students, decision makers and influencers used.
  • Analysis of clients’ perceived competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
how can we help you?

Do you have questions about how Eduvisors can help ? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

We look forward to being your expert advisor in Education